Today is the day that the Government of the United States reinvents itself for the 110th time. Today is the day that the 110th Congress comes to power.
Well over 200 years ago, our forefathers overthrew an oppressive Government in a bloody Revolution. They then spent years afterwards in an effort to create a Government of the People, by the People, for the People. A government designed by some of the greatest minds of the time to allow for no one person to have complete power. A government that could be reinvented time and again by a peaceful transition without bloodshed. A government chosen by the people.
Well over 200 years later, we are once again live in a time where our form of Government is put to the test. We all know the environment that we live in today. However the election of November 7, 2006 has given me hope that perhaps our forefathers got it right here. This hope lies in the hands of people such as John Conyers, Patrick Leahy, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Jim Webb, Jon Tester and other members of the new Democratic Congress. Some of these people we all have faith in more than others. Some of these people seemed weak and too compromising. They have not said everything of what we want to hear. However, before January 4, 2007, they had no power. The best we could hope for was that they prevent more harm to come about.
I hope that this new Congress can right the wrongs that have been done in the past 6 years and even the wrongs done in the past 25+ years. They are a co-equal branch of our Government. They are a Government that we worked hard to get elected. They have the power to prevent America from becoming a thing of the past.
I am not very religious, but if there is a God, please pray with me that our forefathers got it right when they wrote our Constitution and please pray that the Democrats find the strength to do the right thing.