Edited to add "effing". EFFING EFFING EFFING!!!!1
I realize it's not new that McCAIN is FOR the 30,000 ESCALATION (our word), and that it has been particularly outrageous coming AFTER the ISG Thingamagig, but this morning I was pricked out of a doze to hear him doing so again on the sL-IMUS circus.
First, of course was his (and all of the sL-IMUS stooge guests) obligatory Old-White-Men yuk-yuk-yuk with SL-IMUS. Then he went into his "serious" droning monotone, on and on, about how necessary it was to have the 30,000 ESCALATION (our word), and--------this was the part that was INFURIATING----how "there had NEVER been enough boots-on-the-ground" from the beginning!!!1 Yes, I know he and others have said that before.
Not to mention GETTING INTO THE ILLEGAL AGGRESSION IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!1 So. If that was the case, not enough blah blah, why hasn't he been screaming his a-hole head off every photo-loving op he has had?
Why hasn't effing Tweety been asking his adored McCAIN that every fucking time he has asked Dems to come up with a plan?
Why hasn't McCAIN---and all of our own Dem stooges for sL-IMUS--- put himself into some sort of mourning demeanor throughout this travesty, forgoing all CLOWNISH appearances on the media?
Actually, why hasn't he been screaming bloody murder since 2000 when Shrub fucked him in his Southern Carolina??!!!1
P.S. I e-mailed this to Tweety.