I find it amusing that Congress always convenes it's first session at high noon. How Hollywood is that? Or is that where Hollywood got the idea? Anyway, it's going to be interesting to see our first woman speaker, and the reaction from outside the US toward female governance. Many nations have current and past female leaders of remarkable capability.
While the US conservatives try to discount Ms. Pelosi and still think that Lady Thatcher simply did what Ronnie Reagan told her, history is showing that Thatcher did not, and her suggestions to Reagan had for greater influence than any neocon would like to admit.
Ms. Pelosi is a very capable American. She is likely to be far more vibrant, and effective a Speaker than, Hastert or Gingrich ever was. Demanding a longer work week, restricting lobbyist use of that time and the oversight requirements are something that every single voter has wanted from the federal government, from day one.
Now, if the opposition makes the grave error of claiming a gender issue with her, they had better duck. This nation has a female majority of voting adults by nearly 3%, and that is enough to take over nearly every single elected seat in every single state. Women can lead, and provide the managment style needed to run a government. We may find that she is more capable of effective leadership, being a woman, than just being a Democrat.