October 18th, 2006, John McCain announced his intention to kill himself if the Democrats took control of both the House and the Senate. Today that nightmare of the former conductor of the "Straight Talk Express" came true as Nancy Pelosi was sworn in as the Speaker of the House, and Harry Reid took the reins as Majority Leader in the Senate.
Since it is possible that McCain was holding out, hoping for some handy
Enemy Combatant warrants or the declining health of Sen. Tim Johnson to keep the Democrats from taking contol, we at the JMSW are preparing to redouble our efforts now that no such divine intercession has come for Senator McCain and the Democrats have control of both houses for the next two years. Now that the Democratic control has become a
fait accompli there is no reason to expect that Senator McCain will go back on his word, and self-destruction may be imminent.
Today, reports have Senator McCain attending the beginning of the 110th Congress on the floor of the Senate. While some may think this will preclude the Senator from doing himself in today, let us remember that not only is McCain a man of his word, he is resourceful. He might attempt strangulation with a microphone cord, or electrocution on the old wiring within the Senate chamber. There is also an unlikely, but non-zero, possibility that McCain will try to take a few Democrats with him through a suicide bombing. We don't expect this because such an action would seem out of character for the Senator, but then again so is going back on a promise like the one to kill hiimself, so Democratic Senators are advised to be careful around Mr. McCain for the next few weeks.
The Senate dining room might be a handy place for the Senator to carry through on his promise, especially if employees not aware of the Senator's promise of self-destruction allow him access to real silverware. There is also a possibility that no longer being able to order his beloved "Freedom Fries" will send the Senator into a deep despair, hastening his suicide. JMSW operatives are advised to keep a close eye out at dinner time.
It is a thankless job, but one that must be done, and we here at the John McCain Suicide Watch will keep vigilant for all of you out there. We know you to be a man of integrity, Senator McCain, and even more so a man of your word. You have provided us with much "Straight Talk" in your long, soon to be concluded, career, and know that you would never dream on going back on a promise like this. Rest assured that when the end does come, we at the JMSW will be by your side, ready to salute you to the end as a man who kept his promises.
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