Thanks Magistrate for the enlightenment. Speaking for myself (and maybe others on DU) the issue of "can we do a damn thing about the surge" is a confusing one because of stories like the one I've referenced below. It points the examples of: Harry Reid shuts the door on a troop increase, that there is outright "opposition" in Congress for it, and that Nancy and Steny are both opposed to increasing troop levels. Hearing that language suggests to me that by expressing opposition, we DEMS can do something about it; and yet you and a couple of others have educated/informed me that this Executive decision of vast stupidity is totally outside Congressional oversight or action???
What a bummer. So our new DEM Congress is powerless to stop it then?
Congress less than keen on Iraq 'surge'By James Gerstenzang, Times Staff Writer
December 23, 2006
WASHINGTON — The leader of the Senate Democrats, Harry Reid of Nevada, seemed to open the door Sunday to supporting a temporary increase in the number of U.S. troops in Iraq. Two days later, he shut it.
Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) returned from two days in Iraq and stated his opposition to a so-called troop surge. "It would create more targets," he said.
As President Bush considers whether to temporarily boost the number of U.S. troops in Iraq, few members of Congress are stepping forward to forcefully promote the idea. So far, the political response has mostly been silence, skepticism or outright opposition.
Bush is considering adding as many as 30,000 troops to the force of about 140,000 already in Iraq, but he has not committed to the idea. He is expected to launch a new Iraq strategy, which he calls a "new way forward," in early January. That would coincide with the Democrats taking majority positions in the House and Senate after a midterm election that was widely interpreted as rejecting the president's conduct of the Iraq war.
Members of Congress have limited reach in shaping day-to-day policy in Iraq. The effect of their votes on spending for the war will play out only in months and years, and the president has demonstrated time and again his readiness to buck the tide of the Democrats' opposition.,1,5519126.story?coll=la-news-politics-national