"I was employed as a Federal auditor for the US Department of Energy. Following that I worked in management for a large insurance company. My wife and I were recruited by friends and quickly rose through the ranks and found ourselves in the top 1/25th of 1% (Founder's Emeralds) of the multi-billion dollar Amway then Quixtar Corporations. For nearly a decade, we developed a "business" that expanded from North America to Europe, South America, and the Philippines. We spoke to thousands from stage and worked intimately with the Kingpin distributors through whom as much as 90% of Amway/Quixtar's $6 billion dollars in annual revenue flows. My wife and I spent personal time with the company's billionaire founder Rich DeVos.
"To make a long story short, at the highest level, I inadvertently discovered what documentation now appears to reveal as two decades of systematic, global fraud running into a sum currently in excess of forty billion dollars. When I initially discovered the deception, I naively thought it only involved Kingpin level distributors in the field. I immediately reported it to Amway/Quixtar senior management with nearly 50 pages of corroborating documentation. The documentation of the fraud was also reported directly to then President Dick DeVos (incredulously now running for Governor of Michigan) by both fax and certified mail. What was the response under Dick DeVos' leadership? The details are well documented in the book which includes the correspondence sent directly to Mr. DeVos.
"Their response was more shocking than the fraud I had discovered. Instead of taking action against the Kingpin level distributors that were clearly defrauding the masses, they began to make threats of taking punitive action against me. Fortunately, I had them do it all in writing. I had begun to make details of the deception known to other distributors, to whom I was accountable. They ultimately shut off my sole income in what appeared to be an effort to starve me into silence. This went on for almost a year. We lost our medical insurance and were forced into bankruptcy. Just when they knew we were about to lose our home, I was strongly "encouraged" to sell "my business" to a member of my upline for approximately $75,000. At the same time, my sponsor was attempting to pressure me to sign a legal agreement to never speak publicly of our experience. Neither our silence nor or character were for sale and we walked away from the offer(s). It felt like we were dealing with the Mafia. Is this the same leadership that the people of the State of Michigan are now to trust?
"I knew, from being an auditor, that without solid documentation I would be crushed by this powerful, wealthy, politically well connected organization. I spent literally thousands of hours in research, culling documentation from global sources as this deception has spread like cancer to over 80 countries and territories. In its wake are countless bankruptcies, foreclosures and broken marriages all happening under the guise of "free Enterprise". I secured a cache of well over 1,000 hours of legally recorded tapes and videos. Internal Amway documents surfaced revealing that the Billionaire founder, Rich DeVos, has been aware of these illegal activities for well over twenty years. All this documentation was put together in a compelling, meticulously documented 296 page book I wrote titled Merchants of Deception. It was written specifically to be a road map for regulators and prosecutors worldwide."
The writer above is not trying to make a profit on his book about Amway -- he's giving it away on his website. He supplied all the info to the govt., but hasn't gotten it to respond. I wonder if he will take it to the Dems in Congress?