"By GEOFF EARLE and IAN BISHOP Post Correspondents
"WHAT'S UP? Vice President Dick Cheney points out a feature of his palatial — and now-former — Capitol office to staffers. It now belongs to Rep. Charles Rangel.
"January 4, 2007 -- WASHINGTON - Rep. Charles Rangel has evicted Vice President Dick Cheney from his office in the Capitol, and the Harlem heavyweight is moving into the prime digs today, The Post has learned.
"Gilded letters were freshly painted atop the office door yesterday proclaiming 'Ways and Means Committee' - confirming that the office now belongs to Rangel, the House panel's new chairman.
"Sources said Cheney's and his staff's belongings were removed over the holidays.
"The new digs give Rangel some of the choicest and most politically central real estate in all of Washington - as well as a measure of sweet revenge.
"Rangel moved at lightning speed to boot the man he once told The Post is a 'son of a bitch.'
"Even before Rangel officially took charge as the new chairman - which will happen at noon today - Capitol workers expunged the last traces of Cheney and brought in Rangel's plush furniture.
"The ornate room is just yards off the House floor and the Democratic cloakroom where power brokers meet, and has a spectacular view of the Capitol's East Front.
"Rangel was giddy at the prospect of giving Cheney the boot...."
The article goes on and on like this.
And how about also revealing some of the links on that NY Post page--for instance, to a campaign to name a battleship after Gerald Ford, or...
"Rangel's Ugly Agenda"
http://www.nypost.com/seven/11032006/postopinion/editorials/rangels_ugly_agenda_______editorials_.htmor, on that page a link to another article, "Imperial John Conyers."
The NY Post is reviling and ridiculing Democrats and calling for more death in Iraq. Is Rangel's comment about his office digs really "the best quote ever"? I think it's part of a horrendous rightwing campaign, led by the NY Post, to paint Democrats, especially BLACK Democrats as ugly and vengeful--as if they were "Carpet-baggers." The "Harlem heavyweight" now gleefully ensconced in "palatial" offices with "gold letters" freshly painted on the door!
Talk about an ulgy agenda.
Anyway, I'm not accusing YOU of supporting this agenda. And I'm not saying it's not okay to post this. It certainly IS. And it is of interest to me--and should be of interest to all, re: the fascist campaign against the new Democratic Congress. But please don't be so coy about the content of an article--forcing us to click to the NY Post!