Obviously, a corresponding thread seems to have created a divide that should not be used to divide us. This is indeed a day to celebrate. My post was worded very badly, I admit. My intent was to impress upon our Party the need to hold Bush accountable. It was a terrible post on my part - at least the title was terrible. Sometimes we all put our foot in our mouth, I suppose?
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=364&topic_id=3030221&mesg_id=3030221Ultimatum to the Democrats: Impeach or find yourself back in the minority!
There comes a time when the truth can no longer be denied. The truth is that each day this Administration is in power, the worse our nation will be. Nothing is going to get better with this crowd. The Congress has a duty and responsibility to bring this chaos under control.
Why an ultimatum? Because the Congress will not move otherwise. They must feel the heat of the people's disapproval. Just being back in power is not enough. We need to stop this slide into anarchy and lawlessness now. Not in January, 2009. Now!
(and here are the other posts I made in that thread)
24. Good point...
Maybe it is best to investigate and get out the truth and disgrace this man and leave him without the legacy he so covets...
15. I passionately request impeachment but....
I know this Congress is not going to impeach. My hope is that they investigate thoroughly. It seems we have seen enough to impeach already without further investigations. But, it does not work that way. There has to be an investigation process to reach a public consensus.
21. Makes sense...
Cheney is able to slip scrutiny as the VP...
91. I guess we represent the rest of the Party...?
Edited on Thu Jan-04-07 08:35 AM by kentuck
I suspect there are a lot of Democrats, besides a few here, that want Bush held accountable. My post was meant to be a written corollary similar to Cindy Sheehan's protest yesterday. It was meant to get the attention of Democrats that we are serious about withdrawing the troops and holding the criminals accountable. There is a time for "bi-partisanship" but this is not the time. Sheep do not negotiate with wolves. To suggest that "impeachment" leads to defeat does not hold water. Repubs impeached Clinton in '98 and held on to the Congress for 8 more years...There is no proof that the impeachment had anything to do with their recent defeat.
With that said, I do not think there will be an impeachment but Bush doesn't know that. The Democrats should keep him on the defensive and in his cage in whatever way they can - even with threats of impeachment or other means. To do this, we have to keep the attention of the Democrats so they are not deluded into some "bi-partisan" stupor...
95. Perhaps a question mark (?) would have been more instructive...
Sometimes the "edit" time runs out on us... :)