We will see what happens in the next two years, but I sense we are all being played for suckers. This is all a game to them.
It isn't a game, it's a job. And more so than any job, in politics you are regularly forced to work with people you dislike personally, or whose ideas you find distasteful. That is the reality of politics. That is why you shake hands with the guy who fucked you in the last election. These guys all have to work together, and they can't do that in a climate of personal vitriol. Perhaps you'd prefer a legislature where fistfights are a regular occurance, but that doesn't really appeal to me.
In the last six years I sensed something wasn't right. Hell, quite a few of the Democrats in Congress rubber-stamped whatever this administration threw at them.
You seem to be confusing a lack of political spine with conspiracy to defraud. The last four years have also been a nightmare scenario for the Democrats. There isn't anything comparable in the last fifty years. It was not, shall we say, a particularly good climate in which to be the minority party. And yet they still did stop some of Bush's crazier plans. Remember Social Security? Whenever they felt like the public was on their side, they challenged him. I know we all despise Bush and think he's a useless bastard, but he has been one of the most powerful presidents in American history both in terms of his actual statuatory power and his political position. Dubya as a weak President is a relatively recent development.
In the next two years the Democrats either do their job, or I will not belong to the party they call Democrat, because I will have no idea what they stand for.
If you don't like the party, change it. Leaving accomplishes nothing, and the only other viable alternative is the Republicans. I'm sure they'd be happy to have your vote, and I'm sure they'd listen to your concerns.