I know ... I could have found them by doing the search myself, but the ease of clicking links posted in a thread by another promotes more investigation by many besides me, I'm pretty sure. :)
I read carefully the first two pieces, then chose two others from the Google list, notably the one at FindLaw, which is a site I trust and have used often.
My summary of what I learned would take too long to put here, but I wanted to offer this paragraph from the Globe article you linked to, which I think gives us the best clue to how BushCo can be curbed by Democrats now in power.
Without court involvement, only Congress can check a president who goes too far. But Bush's fellow Republicans control both chambers, and they have shown limited interest in launching the kind of oversight that could damage their party.
It's all about
oversight, in my opinion. In the material I read, BushCo have almost completely deprived even the previous Repug-led Congress of the means to perform oversight duties by refusing to submit to all the provisions needed for them to do so. IOW, the White House refused to give up the information and documents needed to be overseen!
That paragraph above from the Globe holds another key to how the problem can be corrected, since "Bush's fellow Republicans"
no longer "control both chambers" of Congress.
In fact, what I believe (and certainly hope) is happening already is that some of our brightest and most determined Dem leaders are very busy putting together legislative challenges to Bush's lawbreaking activities through their rightful, Constitutionally provided powers of
oversight.As another poster in this thread mentioned, we should be keeping in mind that we have yet seen only the tip of the iceberg of what BushCo have actually been doing and keeping secret. I have said this very thing before, and in line with that, I believe that Dems must turn up information on those further heinous activities in order to finally shock Americans into realizing they must support oversight functions of Congress in order to prevent this or any other future President from gaining unlimited power in our country.
While most Americans may not understand or have the time to study and learn about all the details of how our democratic republic works to preserve our liberties and rights, I believe they DO comprehend the importance of the basic separation of powers. And I believe that many Repugs presently in government would be willing to work with Dems now in the majority to re-assert the oversight function of Congress because they could well dread what a Dem President that might be elected in the future would do if s/he inherited the unlimited powers BushCo has tried to garner to the
Office of the President.
I believe our Dems, now that they have the power, will be acting and acting soon to remedy what has been going wrong for six years in our country, thanks to the criminal BushCo regime's wicked plotting and maneuvering.
They surely KNOW how dangerous are the precedents this regime has set are, so I think we will see them setting the Ship of State aright as quickly as they can.
We should also keep
reminding them that we are watching, and that we
expect them to take this action.