I run a very popular Yahoo entertainment group called, "Buffy, Angel and Firefly". We also cover most shows in the SciFi/Fantasy/Horror genre. My leftist politics always comes through regardless of where I post or what Group I am on and Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy, Angel and Firefly, is a great and very active leftist.
Anyway, as I said, my political sympathies always come through. One day, out of the blue, some nut-case right-winger, who...oddly...had been lurking on BAF for a couple of years...evidently got his fill. One day he totally spammed the group and my personal email box with all these threatening, outraged...and all caps, of course...email...about how he was "...going to get my lesbian, commie, Saddam ass." I never exactly understood how he thought those three things went together...lesbian, commie and Saddam... ...but he just went into a rage about my politics. I, of course, banned him from BAF and a couple of the...very few...liberal-ish...Republicans on my group, wrote to him and told him to lay the fuck off and to never bother me again. I told him the same. He was not the first nor was he the last. ...and this was on an entertainment group...<g> I wear my politics, like my heart, on my sleeve, evidently.
After the mid-term elections I went and joined Ann Coulter's forum so I could enjoy watching their little heads spinning off. I figured I would just lurk and laugh and scoff to myself but I could not control myself and dared to make just a couple of remarks and inoffensive remarks at that...at least by civilized people's standards. I just simply disagreed with something they said. They attacked me like a dog on meat. I was called every name they could think of...leftard, libtard, Demoncrap...etc. Now I do just lurk and am creating a LJ/website making fun of them by actually using their own posts to point out how stupid they are.
The Right knows no boundaries as far as their mean-spirited intimidations of people go. That guy who called me a lesbian, commie saddam...threatened to bring it to my house. Madspirit