"Economic Lessons Learned From President Ford's Short Time in Office"
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,239923,00.htmlProduction was down in the Ford era because tax rates began to creep up with inflation. Tax rates had become so high that producers were producing less. We ended up with the worst of both worlds: Too much money and too few goods. We called this double whammy “stagflation;” high inflation with stagnating production. And it was killing us.I thought that was due to more and more good being made in another country then imported in...
It really wasn’t until Ronald Reagan became president that both the money and the production side of stagflation were addressed. Reagan combined squeezing the money supply (through his full support of the new inflation-fighting Fed Chairman Paul Volker) with a dramatic reduction in tax rates at all levels. This allowed folks to keep more of what they earned. And sure enough, in 1983 — after the Reagan tax cuts kicked in — U.S. production started to boom. The Reagan tax cuts also helped to lower inflation by creating more goods.How about the national debt? Seems Republicans love to forget about that little nitpick... :crazy:
In the 25 years since the Reagan tax cuts, it’s become clear that you can have strong economic growth with low inflation and low unemployment. But to the book balancers in the Ford administration, this was an impossible notion.And have trillions of dollars in debt too, hot damn!!! But I don't believe the unemployment numbers, virtually all the people I know who lost their jobs years ago are still unemployed AND are viable, intelligent people.
Gerry Ford and his political ally George H.W. Bush called all this “voodoo economics.” But Gerry Ford and George H.W. Bush were proven wrong and Ronald Reagan was right. “Voodoo economics” turned out to work.Well, that just means the author is a Reagan shill and I have one reason to respect Ford and Bush Sr.
After the Reagan tax rate cuts, we got much higher production with low inflation and low unemployment (the same thing happened after the 2003 George W. Bush tax rate cuts). Americans were working harder when they were given the freedom to keep more of what they earned. And tax revenues doubled in the seven years between 1983 and 1990, even as tax rates were cut in half.Good God, man! Is this article about Ford or Reagan?! The headline read "Ford".
Gerald Ford did his level best to keep the economy from crashing and burning. He pulled out his veto pen 66 times in two-and-a-half years, mostly to cut back on a heavily Democratic Congress’ spending habits.Hmmm, is the author suggesting George W will do the same? How were the Dems of 30 years ago spending? Those now? How about all the spending the repubs inbetween had? And surely Reagan has to be accountable for the national debt as well? After all, he was the Decider of the 80s...