A vast anti-IED research and development effort is underway involving a variety of technologies. Since 2003, the Joint IED Task Force has spent more than $375 million on acquiring anti-IED technology.
Among those technologies are countering radio-controlled IED devices—electronic jammers. They involve the use of radio frequency directed energy, which can jam cell phones and other types of detonators. An electronic jamming device reportedly deactivated an IED that was meant to assassinate the president of Pakistan in late 2003. Such devices can be vehicle-mounted, vehicle-portable and handheld. Following are highlights of some, but by no means all, anti-IED technologies.
Warlock Blue. In May 2005, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld directed the Army to buy 10,000 Warlock Blue jammers. It was the largest single purchase of such jammers to date. The systems are said to cost less than $1,000 each.
Congress provided $60 million for the jammers, in addition to allotting $308 million in vehicle armor. Under pressure from Congress to expedite the jammer purchase, Rumsfeld gave the authority to waive all procurement rules involving the testing, development, solicitation and contract award. Within 60 days of Rumsfeld’s directive, the Navy and California-based Tyco Electronics produced and delivered the first Warlock Blue handheld jamming devices—a significant feat, considering that such a process normally would take six or nine months.
http://www.special-operations-technology.com/article.cfm?DocID=1129These costs are as of September 2005.
I can't find the article I read about a month ago that they'd spent over $2billion on DEVELOPMENT of the systems.
My point is not that I don't want the soldiers protected. My point is that there is NO way on earth to fight a guerilla war and simply throw treasuries of money at each iteration of the use of simple cheap weapons that are in endless supply.
Bring the troops home NOW.
I think we are saying the same thing