their deserved fate, as Dana Milbank observed in the Washington Post. They have the gall to complain that Pelosi, who implored them to observe civility and regular order when she became the minority leader, may now ignore similar pleas coming from their side. They say they will be "disappointed" if she fails to live up to her ideals of perfect openness and fairness. She has no reason to heed these hypocrites -- until they show that their own attitudes have changed.
As Pelosi pushes through the progressive legislation of the first 100 hours, the basic facts are on her side. Under her leadership, the Democrats won a larger majority last November than the Republicans have enjoyed at any time since they took over in 1994. And in the 2006 election, the Democrats did not lose a single House seat, which is the first time that has been achieved by either political party for almost 70 years.
Just as important, the Democrats ran a campaign that emphasized issues the "do-nothing" Republicans failed to address -- and won because the public supports the Democratic position on those issues, from increasing the minimum wage to reducing the cost of prescription drugs and student loans to investing in alternative energy, all of which have been debated for years. (In the case of the minimum wage, the issue has been debated annually for almost 10 years without relief.)
If the Republicans play a constructive role as the new Congress opens, then Pelosi ought to reward them by treating them as the partners they claim to be. In principle, she should live up to the ideals of fairness that she articulated as the leader of the minority. But if the Republicans choose to obstruct, then she must be tough -- just as tough as the Republicans were when they sought to pass the "Contract With America" in 1995.
Two years from today, and for many years to come, what the nation's voters will remember is whether the first woman speaker lived up to her promise to move swiftly and decisively on the issues that returned her party to power. Being nice to the Republicans will be no excuse for failing to do so.