Bush`s Big Surge Announcement is on my mind. Someone should help ~W~ put together a manual that would help the rest of us make that little leap from barbaric hangings to actual human sacrifices. Bush could title it Degradation for Dummies and highlight excerpts in the Wall Street Journal.
Many journalists have written about Bush`s determination, that unshakeable trait he brings to every press conference. The press seems pleased with it, Bush is pleased with it, so now we`re going to have a "surge" because of it. Bush`s staunch support for his own ideas remains steadfast through thick and thin. While the rest of us were worried about people being trapped in their flooded attics, Bush displayed that raw, gutsy determination as he ate birthday cake with John McCain. As the world vomited over Abu Gharib photos, determination once again helped Bush through another tight spot. Instead of bending to pressure, he taught Americans that tough treatment of terrorists would help keep us free. Down deep, he knows America isn`t harmed by global warming or billions of Chinese widgets, so his determination to ride his bike through the phony trouble is to his credit. Texas tough....the stuff that comes with knowing you not only wrote the book, you`re always on the right page.
More people are going to die in Bush`s surge. He knows it. Members of Congress know it. World citizens know it. That doesn`t mean it`s not a good idea. There are times Bush has to ask Americans to offer up their sons and daughters for sacrifice, especially when we`re trying to stop the people who hit us on September 11th. Bush may not have gone to any funerals, but surely he thinks of dead soldiers when he`s quietly jogging or cutting brush.
While waiting for the surge, we should do what our president has always asked of us....go shopping. If you`re sick of shopping, go on a cruise or something. Buy a vacation home, build a pool and fill it with imported fish, anything that will show you`re determined. One more thing....just because neither Bush nor Cheney volunteered during their generation`s war, it doesn`t mean they aren`t experts on combat and suffering. Obviously they are, because they would never go against the voters` wishes unless they knew best.