Welcome to this week's DUzy Awards, honoring merciless merriment, malicious mirth and magnificent madness from this week on DU. Congratulations to this week's winners!
Feel free to add your own choices. The potentially-prestigious DUzies will be announced every Friday, if I get around to it.
Note to Mods: Skinner has authorized the DUzy Awards to be posted in GD. OP by specimenfred1984: I'm confused, was Gerald Ford hanged?LOL, I guess my propaganda headlines are all mixed up!
response #4 by
Yeah, I don't think he should have pardoned Nixon, but to hanghim for doing that, that's just not right.
response #5 by
Though they say that was Saddam with a noose around his neck....I saw him fly a jet into the World Trade Center a few years ago, and he walked away from that, so don't count him out.
GD, December 30, 2006:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=364&topic_id=3006304 On a thread by Erika: Where is OBL?response #5 by
He's working in a 7/11 just outside of Topeka, Kansas. He's been there for years, although he recently took a vacation in Argentina with the Bush twins, not exactly two "virgins" in heaven, but fun anyway.
response #6 by
Under Rove's Bed waiting for 2008response #14 by
Enjoying the new LCD TV at Kennebunkport, while tossing down a few brewskis? :shrug:
GD, December 31, 2006:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=364&topic_id=3010871 On a thread by Bluebear: Theologian in a major lather over "African American Xmas Dinner"response #8 by
Good griefWhat does he think an ethnic dinner is, but a chance to show others how it's done back home? What does he imagine goes on...
"Welcome to the 2006 African American Christmas Dinner! And, as promised.... HERE ARE THE NEGROES! Give 'em a big hand, show your appreciation. Alright! Alright, take a bow guys, thanks for coming. Now, I know the rest of you are raring to tuck into those turkey loaves and jello molds, so... dig in. ENJOY!"
No, wait. He's probably thinking it's an all-black affair. Bereted, bandoliered Black Panthers sitting down to a meal of Solidarity Squash and Class Struggle Cabbage. No Whitey allowed.
Whatta loon.
GD, December 31, 2006:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=364&topic_id=3011753 OP by democrank: Just figured out how Bush can boost his sagging poll numbersHe should go to Baghdad. Alone. Set up a little table outside the Green Zone with his "BRING IT ON" tee shirts. Sell them for $15.00 each. Use the profits for a giant bronze GWB statue with "The Decider" chiseled on it. Set it up in a busy place. Call up Halliburton Honchos and ask them to oversee the flower petal cleanup so Iraqis will know Bush respects their land and doesn`t want to litter the place. Pay a few journalists to spread the word about his good deeds. Have some Texas body man airbrush a huge sign with...STAY THE COURSE...and cement it right next to the little table. Maybe even light it up at night. Wear his old uniform from the Vietnam War and display a photo of Barb and Jen helping mankind in Argentina.I`m telling you, this is a winning plan. After a couple weeks of the "hard work" he`s famous for, Bush can come on home on a flight overseeing the next group of caskets. That human touch alone will assure a hero`s welcome. Within days, Bush can have an in-depth interview on Fox News and by nightfall Americans will rally round `43. It`s a slam dunk.
GD, January 1, 2007:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=364&topic_id=3019048 On a thread by pstokely: What will happen to the fake ranch after 2008?response #2 by
It'll be turned into a theme park."Dubyah's World O' Bush".
There'll be rides and attractions themed to major events in Shrub's presidency, starting with "Choose the Prez" bingo and "Where's My Medicare" hall of mirrors; moving on to the terrifying "Iraq Fiasco" rollercoaster and "Flume O' Lies" water attraction; before finishing off with a unique ride that combines a hair-raising downhill mountain bike ride with pretzel-eating (and named, somewhat enigmatically, "Imagine.")
response #11 by
"Loaded up the truck and moved to Paraguay."response #18 by
Mr. Haney has arranged sale to Douglas family...George and Weezie (oops sorry, I mean Laura) will move to a deluxe apartment in the sky!
response #38 by
Lacking Dubya to defend it, it'll be overrun by brush, which will expand and overwhelm life on EarthSee, you all had a chance to assist him in his God-ordained mission to save us all from freedom hating mesquite, and you chose instead to make fun.
Too late will you realize your fate, when our brambly overlords gain their rightful place and mulch us all.
GD, January 1, 2007:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=364&topic_id=3017578 OP by Virginia Dare: When does the decider pull his head out of his ass...and figure out the "way forward"? Is it supposed to be sometime this week? :puke: :dunce:
No rush or anything, after all, there's only been a little over 3,000 troops killed, we're way behind Viet Nam right now. :argh: :cry:
response #3 by
It takes a lot of guts and courage and determination and time AND hard workto make the wrong decision! :dunce:
response #4 by
Groundhog Day?That's when Dubya's head comes out of his ass and if he sees failure, he goes back in and it's six more years of war.
response #7 by
he's not going to do that untilhe finds those WMDs... they're in there somewhere... :eyes: :evilgrin:
response #8 by
Little Wing:
He doesn't. They made the coke straws longer insteadresponse #9 by
tomorrow, but his head remains deeply inserted. Hey, it's warm, soft, darkjust like condi.
GD, January 2, 2007:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=364x3024155 On a thread by leftyladyfrommo: Any Predictions for 2007?response #3 by
Sentinel Chicken:
I predict the following: Somewhere a Republican pedophile will be caught in 2007.
Somewhere a Republican will be exposed as corrupt.
Somewhere a Republican will resign in disgrace in 2007.
And all of them will blame the Democrats and the media for their problems.
GDP, January 2, 2007:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x3037548 On a thread by sabra: Obama press sec: "Though I'd note that the 's' and 'b' keys aren't all that close to each other"response #6 by
I make similar typos all the time Every time I try to type out the word BUSH, it usually comes up ASSHOLE. A purely innocent mistake.
So, I can see how anybody could make that error. An innocent mistake.
GD, January 2, 2007:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=364x3026182 OP by symbolman: If the Chicago UFO is True, then it is a serious National Security Issue,Someone needs to answer this bullshit, these ain't no white trash folks out swigging whiskey in the woods, these are professionals that saw this.
To offer the old excuses of Weather balloons, like someone has authority to release weather balloons over and or near a busy airport, is Ludicrous in the extreme.
The american people deserve to know if we are in DANGER, besides I'd like to see Falewell explain if JESUS DIED for the SINS of some Alien from Space, wouldn't that be fun? :)
But this IS a National Security Issue and needs to be dealt with. One thing for there to be swamp gas where there are swamps, but I was raised in Illinois and there ain't NO SWAMPS near Chicago that I'm aware of.
response #8 by
"Take me to your leader...I'm going to kick his ass;)" Maybe they're here to tell us to get our act together, that the rest of the cosmos, let alone the universe, is fed up with our war-like ways, that we're not suitable to handle advanced technology as long as our main application is to kill each other.
ATTENTION SPACE PEOPLE. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC or Crawford, that ranch with the vinyl siding. Talk some sense into him then you can leave. 10/4
response #11 by
omega minimo:
"Maybe it's an election monitor sent from Mars...." :rofl:
response #16 by
They need to buzz the white house and set their phasers on "enlighten."
GD, January 2, 2007:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=364x3022238 OP by Tyo: War on Easter?The war on Christmas is on hold for another year, but Easter will be here before we know it. Need some ideas for a good anti-Easter crusade. Gotta drive this one underground before it gets out of control like Christmas did.
response #1 by
How about: "Easter: A Great Time to Celebrate Capital Punishment!" n/tresponse #2 by
"Stop the murder of innocent eggs.":rofl:
response #7 by
See! See! the pagans have distorted the story of Christ's resurrection!The true story of Easter is the remembrance of how Christ rose from the dead, saw his shadow and declared winter was over and then went back in the tomb to eat some boiled colored eggs and chocolate bunnies.
response #17 by
Well if your aim is to offend....You could always wish people a Happy Dead Guy On A Stick Day.
GD, January 3, 2007:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=364x3031086 On a thread by Placebo: What "nice things" will be said @ George W. Bush's State Funeral?response #6 by
"Thank God and Greyhound you're gone" ? n/t response #13(!) by
He's dead. ntresponse #15 by
Okay I'll give it a stab- He honorably deserted his military unit so as not to jeopardize his teammates lives by operating heavy machinery while fucked up on coke.
- He gave peace and solace to people in this country who have no concept of the truth or patriotism.
- He said that we should set aside politics, although a nice gesture, a seemingly strange thing for a politician to say.
- He kept right wing hate radio strong for eight solid years.
- He kept knowledgeable, thoughtful, intellectually curious Americans on their toes.
- Although he profited from insider trading at harken enterprises he did so with fellow shareholders welfare at the forefront of his thoughts during his criminal spree.
- He made "christians" feel all warm and fuzzy about their existence.
response #37 by
"My fellow Americans our long national nightmare is over"response #38 by
He didn't kill more people thanMao, Stalin, Hitler, or Pol Pot.
But he was working on it.
response #39 by
"He didn't kill more Americans than Osama did on 9/11....""....oh wait—DAMMIT!"
And an honorable mention to all the other responses on the thread.GDP, January 3, 2007:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x3039320 OP by IanDB1: Well, maybe you'll have better luck. Capitol Hill Switchboard... Oh, wellSo, I called the Capitol Hill switchboard and asked for Senator Rick Santorum's office.
I expected they would say, "Rick Santorum is no longer a member of Congress."
After which, I would reply,
"I know. I just wanted to hear someone say that."Instead, the operator just said, "I'm sorry, that line is busy."
Maybe you guys will have better luck?
The Lounge, January 4, 2007:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=105x6016896 OP by Nimrod2005: Damn it! I knew it...I am starting to have gay thoughts!!!Every since Pelosi took over this morning, with her San Francisco values!!!
I am moving to Canada!!!!!!
response #1 by
Don't forget to destroy someone's marriage before you go!Bon voyah-gee! :hi:
response #4 by
And hug a terrorist, too.:)
response #6 by
do you own Birkenstocks?response #7 by
I've been craving Rice-a-Roni all day. ntresponse #8 by
Step away from the soy milk.... NOW!GD, January 4, 2007: