Edited on Sun Jan-07-07 12:42 PM by two gun sid
Ford did nothing for this country by pardoning Nixon. He did it to ensure the viability of the GOP in future elections. Healing had not a damn thing to do with it. The people of this country were pissed when Ford gave Dick his pardon. The only good that came of it was no longer have to watch nightly news video of Tricky Dick forlornly walking along the beach at San Clemente, tears drooling from his eyes, and a voice over saying, "Hasn't he suffered enough?".
We weren't healed. We were just made more cynical about government.
We needed to see that rat bastard in the dock answering for his crimes. And don't forget his crimes were not just about the bugging of the DNC at the Watergate and the cover up. It was about him riding roughshod over the constitution and creating his own private Gestapo (the Plumbers), illegal break-ins of private citizens doctors offices to gain information to discredit an Administration critic, using the government to "screw" people on his Enemies List, ITT, funds for building his home in San Clemente and the list could go on and on.
We as a people were hurt by that pardon. We still feel the effects of Nixon's statement, "If the President does it, it can't be illegal", today. Let's not make the same mistake and let this punk fratboy off the hook. Impeach that bastard for his crimes. Not only can this country handle the pain of impeachment we must do it if we plan on governing by democratic principles.