So I went to do my demo to the local game store
And I struck a conversation with a "possible customer" about a possible future line... it is tittled future conflicts and yes it is peppered with the Project of the New American Century, part two
So the first project I am working on is a future war with Venezuela, remember this is a war game, but it is taken out straight out of the headlines... and what chickenhawks want to do.
So this guy tells me... "am I going to be able to hang Hugo?"
I answered, it may be in a final scenario, but why would you like to do that?
Well you know...
No I don't
We hung Sadamn
Yes, and that trial was full of problems
Well it was an Iraqi problem
No, war crimes are a world's problem, he should have been sent to the Hague, where incidentally we would have had the who's who of the Bush One Admin testify why we gave Sadamn WMDs.
Well he's dead and he got more than Mussolini
No, he was lynched by the Shia, it just took them a little longer.
Damn liberal!
Yep, one who has served too. I see you have a son and you are damn too old for the recruiter, let me hook your son up...
At that point this guy paled, and stood up shaking like a leaf. I added some salt... "perhaps the commander in chief will add the draft by executive order and YOUR SON will be drafted to go fight that war you approve so much as long as it is somebody else's skin in the game... now as I was saying here are the problems with the trial,
1.- Four judges until they found one that would convict no matter what
2.- The charges were those that any national leader is allowed to do, go after those who want to kill them, and don't tell me the Secret Service will not send agents if we speak ill of the President.
3.- Three defense lawyers who were killed...
4.- The executioners were not agents of the state but of Mugtada Al Sadr, perhaps you need to go watch the actual telephone video with sound on you tube.
5.- Sadamn was NOT tried for any of the actual war crimes he committed, some of them aided and aboded by us.
So exactly what form of justice is this? Oh yes, Western Justice, at the end of a rope. We call it lynching.
He just stood there, quiet... as if I had hit him in the gut with a sledgehammer. I doubt he'll buy any product, but he is not a role player so he was not going to anyhow.