http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/16399566.htmFirst union in the state? Try hereBy Rita Giordano Inquirer Staff Writer LAMBERTVILLE, N.J. - When David Del Vecchio, the mayor of this quaint little Delaware River town, announced the other day that he plans to be the first New Jersey mayor to perform a civil-union ceremony, nary a soul around these parts batted an eye. If anything, he was preaching to the converted.
In ultra-gay-friendly Lambertville, a Hunterdon County tourist town of antiques shops, restaurants and Victorian homes just across the bridge from New Hope, folks of all sexual preferences say they welcome civil unions, signed into law by Gov. Corzine on Dec. 21.
The law goes into effect Feb. 19, meaning people can apply for their civil-union licenses. Then there's a 72-hour wait. The first unions are expected Feb. 22 or 23.
Lambertville, though, is looking for a way around all that. "Unless we're told we can't do it on the 19th, we're going to do it on the 19th," Del Vecchio said.
Del Vecchio, president of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities, said his vow to be first was meant as a message to his fellow mayors - a few of whom have made noises about refusing to perform the ceremonies.
It wasn't intended for the folks who live or work in Lambertville, a city so gender-preference-integrated that the subject seems to barely need to be brought up.
Already, one local lesbian couple have told Del Vecchio that they want to enter Lambertville's first civil union - whenever it is - and others are joining the queue. "We're getting calls all the time," said Del Vecchio, who is not gay.
I actually wasn't shocked by this town wanting to be first. I've been to New Hope PA/Lambertville NJ (they're right across the river from each other) and both towns are very GBLT-friendly. BTW, Lambertville Station is a great place to have your reception, for anyone planning on going to Lambertville for their union; although, there are some kick ass bars I use to hang out in over the river in New Hope