Edited on Mon Jan-08-07 06:33 PM by happydreams
"Deficits don't matter"
"This Week with George Stephanopolous". Both Brent Garbagescowcroft and George SWill referred to the new mantra on what is happening in Iraq--“ethnic cleansing” and “genocide” respectively. Now aint’ that a coincidence that the first two times I heard it were on the same day by these cons. Scowcroft and Will weren't on at the same time. Who planted those ideas I wonder. Are these guys getting their orders from a common source?
Is this an attempt to play more word games with the "civil war" in Iraq?
Now all of a sudden the repugs are interested in deficit spending. Stephanopoulous drilled Charely Rangel about it. "Coked " Roberts and George Swill laughed at ex-Congressman Harold Brown when he hesitated on how the budget will be balanced. Roberts is looking more Cruelaesque by the week and George Lipless Swill with his stupid looking bright colored boe ties looks like a nasty little prick who gives polished apples to his teacher, then farts in other kids faces. Earlier in the program Stephy boy drilled Charley Rangell about deficits. Rangell handled the questions well. Shit. If I had someone ask me about deficits I would spend ten minutes or more talking about how we got the deficit--"Going from record surpluses with Clinton to record deficits with Bush"-- in the first place and end it with: "You wanta stop deficits, shitcan the Republicans."
Fucking tax and spend democrats! Christ, they've had a week to come up with a plan can’t they do anything right?
What difference does it make “Deficits don’t matter”. That is what Cheney said to Paul O’Neill (Treasury Sectretary) when O'Neill confronted him with financial figures before the Iraq war. O'Neil you may remember was shitcanned because he wasn’t interested in paying “The Price of Loyalty”, which is also the title of his book. Since we have it from officialdom that they aren't relevant why the sudden change? Could it be because now its the demoncrats problem. My idea: Let’s separate the deficit into that caused by the Repug holy war, pork projects and corruption and that caused by the demoncrats and hold them separately accountable. Then seize all the merchants of death corporations and put their assets into paying down the debt. Then hang the son-of-bitches for treason.
Oops, delete that last sentence. It's out of line with the new bipartisanship mantra suddenly being foisted upon us by the corporate owned media. A standard MO for the neo-feudalists I have discovered in reading history is that they love to partner up with their victims, especially after their thievery is discovered.
The Honorable Henry Waxman was exemplary. I seldom use that term in addressing Congresscritters, but I will here. Here is a guy who has been in the trenches for 32 years, a virtual unknown who has worked and waited patiently to do his thing. He has to be the most selfless unpreposessing person I have ever seen in Congress as well as one sharp cookie. He and anothe Henry, the late Honorable Henry Gonzalez of Texas, are the type of people who keep us from falling into the abyss. What a breath of fresh air hearing Waxman. Biden was interveiwed on Press the Meat. “All the Kings horses and All the Kings Men can’t put Iraq back together again.” he said without breaking a smile. His delivery was excellent. He is running for president. He still sticks to his "Sunni buy-in" idea. It’s a pretty intelligent approach for at least one reason, it allows Biden to say: I told you so when it isn’t employed and the operation fails. It could never be employed, the Iraqi’s cannot now, nor could they ever have, created a democratic state. They are incapable of such decisions that are demanded of them. The other reason is that something that complicated--getting a Sunni buy in-- is a political impossibility in the Bush regime.
One thing never addressed is the 14 permanent military bases that pre-empts any democracy. The Founding Fathers talked about the impossibility of cold starting democracy in states without a culture familiar with its principles. Even if you plan on taking decades they said it would fail. Not that I believe for a minute that democracy was ever a real interest of the oil barons, or that we have any business trying to create one with the publics money Flimsey Lindsey Graham from fa-la-la land, more shrill by the week, thinks that Petraeus and Casey will save Iraq with 30,000 troops. “even if it takes 5 more years, we can’t afford to lose Iraq” and that the Sunnis and Shias will become blood brothers if security is maintained. He then said something about the US needing a “Ulysses S. Grant” to save the situation. Well shit that ought to be easy after (((getting a Lincoln as CIC))). :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:
Flimsey is looking particularly spent; he has more Southern drawl/affect, as most bulbous eyed people of that sort tend to be after spending their life in a bullshit mode. He looks like he and Jack Daniels or some other spirits are good friends. I guess if I were a repug of that persuasion I'd be a drunk too.
He started to attack Bush on the war a few years ago then suddenly shifted position. Did somebody tell him that he was going to be “ Foleyized” if he didn’t get in line? In the Bush empire "You are either with us or against us". There is something particularly repulsive to me about a Southern male of his sort.
I wonder if he will look like Jesse Helms as he gets older--bulbous eyes and puckered lips? Maybe not, Maybe he'll go to Massachusetts marry "Blinded by the Right" David Brock or Jeff Gannon and live happily ever after. After all he surely wouldn't sell out to the dems. :eyes: Jesse Helms never came out of the closet, nor has similar looking once Senate Majority>Minority leader Bitch-slapped Mitch “We took Iraq” McConnell.
“Tweren’t near as hard to take as it was to keep” –Blackbeard the Pirate.
Why can’t these people learn from their philosophical heritage?
It sure would be nice to see some more family values rethugs biting the dust over same gender affairs and pedophilia. We really do need to get a wider margin in the Senate and America doesn't seem to care much about wars based on deceit (Affairs of State) only "affairs".