I don't believe that he was having a psychotic fugue.
If you were creating something so bold, you would have to destroy lots of things that were in your way, such as laws, freedoms, distribution and control of resources, etc.
If you look at BushCo as a set of international businessmen in league with aspects of OPEC and other big money persons, then things make more sense. To establish favorable business conditions, one must take steps, and be "history's actors", as they call themselves.
If you factor social control as we've seen in illegal wiretaps, hounding of protesters, library list grabs, and more, and that's only what we know about... Consider the 1984 lines of endless war and faceless, amorphous enemies.
I take it to the tin foil degree and consider them as predators, in the sense that they care nothing for human life not their own, and everything for their money and for power over others.
So, if =I= wanted to create an NWO, I'd:
-Destroy the nexus of international trade and perhaps the western economy as a bonus (much to be made from creating new rules favoring one's self, in times of chaos)
-Blame said amorphous, faceless enemy.
-Create endless war against said enemy, a continuous wartime economy.
-Use said enemy to justify pre-emptive strikes against countries containing resources you need (set the goal, create the conditions).
-Use conditions to cement power structure, new laws, beginning to swerve social and economic conditions away from freedom (see record Exxon profits).
-Stonewall against any and all opposition, which is easy from the profit viewpoint, which cares nothing for polls, etc.
Note that if another attack occurs, we would be in real trouble economically. If you wished to severely damage the free world's economy in order to insinuate yourself into the overall power structure and to control the most valuable resources, you could spend billions of dollars over a period of years to leave the reserves teetering a bit. A disaster occurs? You can clean up. Especially if your own people and companies specialize in rebuilding, etc.
I know that I'm in tinfoil land here, but in terms of the conniving plots of political thrillers and predatory, selfish business, I wouldn't put this past them. I can't say if this is what they're doing, but the longer we wait and the more they do it, one has to wonder how specifically they need to do so in order to gain their ends.
Misdirection, stonewalling, lies for war, oil company ties, mideast ties, illegal wiretapping... This stinks, and a big enough pile without any sign of cleanup can signify that the pile is on purpose. Who stands to gain? Follow the money.