Hmm sound familiar? A whole lotta stink.. Not out with a bang but with a fart? We got recent news events of the gas smells and bird kills..Methane smothers the birds if they fly into a methane plume. There is a argument people make that methane has no smell, It does, read the entire article on The Wayne Madsen Report He does say ''Methane is odorless,but in the case of natural methane venting it
is often accompanied by the venting of Acrid hydrogen sulfide a by product of bacterial decomposition'' which stinks like rotten eggs and it some times smells sweet like propane or natural gas.
First Before you read the paragragh and link below,look at this link talking about how fast the wetlands are dissapearing.. is about the last extinction..
Erwin identified three "phases" in this "tangled web," at least as presented in 1994. The first phase, the onset of regression, involved the drying out shallow marine basins, reduced habitat for coastal marine organisms, and increasing climatic variability. During the second phase, regression accelerated, releasing gas hydrates, and allowing the erosion and oxidation of marine carbon. In the third phase, Siberian flood basalts and carbon sources exacerbated climate instability, producing "an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide may have produced oceanic anoxia and global warming." In this final phase, an earliest Triassic rapid transgression purportedly destroyed near-shore terrestrial habitats
.(as in WETLANDS people) Though Erwin invokes the release of gas hydrates in his tangled web proposal, it is important to note that his central extinction mechanism is sea level regression, followed by rapid transgression, rather than methane release.)
About the Siberian Basalts..
Volcanic activity is increasing..
It's increasing..
Natural disasters are increasing in terms of frequency, complexity, scope and destructive capacity. During the past two decades, earthquakes, windstorms, tsunamis, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions and wildfires have killed millions of people, adversely affected the life of at least one billion more people and resulted in enormous economic damages.