With Bush presenting his new Iraq strategy tomorrow night, our DEM leaders in both the House and Senate are faced with our first big leadership challenge: how to respond as DEMS on a unified front to the insane escalation of both troops and funds that all anticipate Shrub to ask for. We got elected in great part over a mandate that the status quo in the tragic Iraq quagmire is no longer acceptable.
The MSM seeks to find any discourse in our party and are making a point to assert disagreements in the depth and scope of how we intend to respond to BushCo's plan. Case in point can be found in this NYT article from 1/08/07 titled -
Democrats Split Over Iraq Approach.http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/09/world/middleeast/09dems.html?_r=1&oref=sloginSo fine DUers, here is an over-simplified poll to at least get a compass bearing on where we stand on Bush's anticipated plan to increase troop levels and dollars for the almost 4 year long Iraq war. I'm optimistic that as a party we will come together with a response that represents a majority DEM view and reflects the values behind the voices of We The People from last November.
Question - Which response to the Bush plan to you prefer?