of Bush.
Listen live here:
http://www.770kkob.com This guy is more of a libertarian/conservative but he voted twice for Bush and supported the war at first. Today he said over and over that Bush is basically off his rocker and is losing his mind with this troop increase. He did a great job arguing against all the people who had been listening to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity this morning and were using the right wing misinformed talking points. Jim chewed them up and spit them out over and over again!!!!
Anyway, someone called in and asked if he was now open to impeachment hearings and Jim said:
"Well, I am now certainly open to investigations".
Bush is making an idiot of himself and now even moderate Republicans are realizing he is nuts and want him investigated.
The show is on 770 KKOB. It's the Jim Villinuci show. (Not sure if I spelled his name right)
It's still on and you can listen live here:
http://www.770kkob.com/Time now 5:10 pm Mountain Time