1 House ethics rules: Adopted, 430-1, Democratic-sponsored changes in House ethics rules for the 110th Congress (H Res 6). The new rules bar members from accepting rides on corporate jets and from seeking to influence the staffing decisions of lobbying organizations and trade associations, and bar members and staff from receiving gifts from lobbyists above $50, with a $100 annual limit from any single source and cash gifts not allowed.
2 Civility, bipartisanship: Adopted, 430-0, 110th Congress operating rules designed to add civility and bipartisanship to legislative procedures. The rules ban the House speaker from holding floor votes open indefinitely in order to affect the outcome, require conference committees to conduct business in open session under procedures fair to both parties, and bar changes in conference-committee reports after they have been signed.
3 Earmarks, pay as you go: Voted, 280-152, to end the secret "earmarking" of appropriations and tax breaks. The vote would also restore pay-as-you-go discipline to congressional budgeting. These and other rules changes (above) were later added to the body of standing rules that will govern House operations in the 110th Congress.
4 Minority Bill of Rights: Blocked, 222-197, a Republican bid to add Democratic reform proposals from 2006 to House operating rules for the new Congress (H Res 6, above). Republicans sought to add a "Minority Bill of Rights" unveiled in May by then-Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California. A yes vote was to block introduction of last year's Democratic "minority bill of rights."