just as Bush has reinvented "freedom" and "democracy."
Two can play that game.
To me, "stop loss" is a strange terminology in its standard use, since soldiers are prevented from leaving a war-time situation, as in today's scenario, where they are at risk of losing life or limb. As Bush has applied new meaning to "liberty" and "family values," I should be able to apply new meaning to "stop loss"-- stop the loss of life.
I should have put it in quotes, however.
This Stripes article,
Troops downrange speak out on Iraq plans, was written by at least one right-wing Christian (I'm not familiar w/the other writer), who had been writing about military bar-be-que parties in Iraq shortly after "Mission Accomplished," with Iraqi-adapted recipes to boot. Cakewalk, right?
That she has included any negative troop comments is telling. Those that do show support also show their naivete, despite their being in the region. Amazing that after two, three, four deployments for some soldiers, that any one of them is saying, "I don't pay attention to politics," when politics has everything to do with their personal well-being. Maybe not having an opinion helps see him through his day of house searches and raids.