Surge and its Critics
Michael Ledeen, National Review
We’ve got lots of soldiers sitting on megabases all over Iraq. They should be out and about, some of them embedded, others just moving around, tracking the terrorists, hunting them down. I don’t know how many guys and gals are sitting in air-conditioned quarters and drinking designer coffee, but it’s a substantial number. Enough of that.
Damn right, "Enough of that".
How dare you, sir! How dare you sit your fat ass in front of a keyboard in your comfy office and criticize people who put their lives on the line EVERY DAY, because warmongering neo-fascists like you, elected a tin-plated, overbearing dictator with delusions of godhood!
You have the unmitigated gall to mock men and women who face the real possibility of death and dismemberment every minute of every day, all for the princely sum of about $8 an hour. Meanwhile, you pull down a six figure salary, paid for by dickless war profiteers from money steeped in the blood of thoe very same soldiers you sneer at.
Sir, pray we never meet. For while I am a pacifist, I am not militant about it. Sometimes, there are some people who should be slapped silly.
If you love this war so much and feel that it just isn't being prosecuted to your satisfaction, then get your chickenshit ass down to a recruiter and enlist. They'll take anyone these days, even bloviating, smegma-for-brains, dipshits like you.
But wait, our fecal-faced felcher isn't through with this. Now he wants to tell us how the war SHOULD be run.
And the only way to demonstrate a will to win is to go after the Iranians and the Syrians, as well as the terrorists already inside Iraq. God knows the evidence of Syrian involvement is overwhelming, and the latest information reportedly shows they are on both sides of the Sunni/Shiite divide. If we continue to blither ineffectually about how “unhelpful” the mullahs and the Assads are, everyone in those parts will understand that we do not yet have the will to win this war.
What do you mean by "we" don't have the will to win the war? There is no "WE", there are soldiers fighting the actual war, and there are spineless little meglomaniacs life you.
If we do not tackle Syria, we will simply provide the terrorists with more targets. If we do go after them, we may yet win this thing. As luck would have it, this is the ideal moment to go after the Iranians, since their supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, is either dead or dying, and a vicious internal power struggle is under way in Tehran. We should propose a better solution to the Iranian people: revolution, leading to their freedom. That would require the president and the secretary of State to call for regime change in Iran and Syria, something from which they have always retreated in the past.
But if we want to win, that’s the first step. Anybody ready?
What kind of deranged psycopath are you when you deride Bush and his merry band of war criminals for not killing enough people?