Thank you, Wonkette! up, dead guys! We've got a plan now! Here’s the executive summary of the White House plan for Iraq:
The Consequences Of Failure In Iraq Could Not Be Graver — The War On Terror Cannot Be Won If We Fail In Iraq. Our enemies throughout the Middle East are trying to defeat us in Iraq. If we step back now, the problems in Iraq will become more lethal, and make our troops fight an uglier battle than we are seeing today.
First, how wonderful that the White House is announcing a plan tonight for a war they started four years ago.
Second, we’ve got the whole stupid White House document, after the jump. Come on in, glance over the thing until your eyes get heavy — it takes about two minutes — and then go to dinner and don’t bother watching the speech, because it’s all here except for the nervous rat eyes, comical mispronunciations and telling malaprops.
(Entire document at link)