Chris Dodd is announcing he is running for President on the Imus show. Here is one example of Imus' bigotry. the Wednesday, Jan. 18 edition of "Imus in the Morning" on MSNBC, host Don Imus and guest Chris Matthews (host of MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" and NBC News' "The Chris Matthews Show") used an exchange about "Brokeback Mountain" to engage in a sophomoric display of homophobia.
After Matthews quoted anti-gay radio personality Michael Savage as having called the film "Bareback Mounting," Imus added that one of his show's staff members had titled the film "Fudgepack Mountain." A video clip and complete transcript of Imus and Matthews' exchange are available at Michael Savage - whose 2003 MSNBC show was cancelled after he referred to a caller as a "sodomite" and told him to "Get AIDS and die, you pig" (see for more information) - would make such a comment about "Brokeback Mountain" is hardly surprising. But when Chris Matthews, an NBC News host and commentator, repeats it on MSNBC and Imus then tries to one-up him with a "fudgepacker" slur, it's the kind of juvenile display of homophobia that raises serious questions not only about Imus and Matthews' on-air behavior, but also about why MSNBC and NBC News would find such slurs acceptable for broadcast
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Fudgepacker? A Democratic candidate is announcing his candidacy for the Presidency on the radio show of a man who calls gays fudgepackers. Why is this different from a radio show which calls black people names, or hispanic people? Why is this acceptable?
Dodd is hardly the only offender. Kerry has been on this show, Liberman has been on this show, and so have several others. It is long past time that Democrats start enforcing a simple rule. We won't go on bigots' programs. Fudgepacker isn't OK. People who say fudgepacker aren't OK. We should know better.