...and he will actually admit that the current approach is "not working"...
Holy shit! Seems that the little chimp-in-chief will actually be laying it all out there in this speech. Taking names and numbers... What a leader! :sarcasm:
The scum at NRO are actually making a deal out of *that*!? GAWD I despise these people!
That's the (strong and appropriate) word Bush will use to characterize the state of Iraq. Too bad he wasn't so frank months ago, but better late than ever. He will also say the current approach is “not working” and take responsibility for mistakes to this point. He'll put an emphasis on security, and as noted below identify the reasons for the failure to secure Baghdad as not enough American and Iraqi troops and ROE that were too restrictive. He'll put the conflict in terms of the broader GWOT, and warn that there's not going to be an immediate end to violence. He should have some pretty strong words for Iran and Syria.