I'm tired of hearing the very narrow debate between a Congressional vote on troop levels (a. la Senator Kennedy - an admirable man who has broadened the debate at least to this level...) vs. pResident as Commander in Chief can do whateverthefuck he wants. It's time for Congress to REALLY exercise its power of the purse.
The fact is that the Pentagon already has $$$ from the most recent Congressional appropriations, so Congress probably has the LEAST power over military matters at present. Plus, the Democratic leadership is still (perhaps justifiably) gun-shy about cutting the military in any way, shape, or form during action in Iraq.
So I believe that Congressional opposition must instead employ its Power of the Purse in matters that are dear to *resident Shrub, but outside the military realm. I would recommend that the People's House move the battle of whether troops should be "Surged" to ALL NON-military budgetary matters. Congress should ZERO OUT the whitehouse communications budget, so that Shrubya cannot make any more inane speeches, at least until he shows a genuine willingness to engage in dialogue and compromise on issues of substance. Congress should ZERO OUT the Office of Faith Based Initiatives, until Shrubya shows some faith in our Constitutional system of checks and balances. Congress should ZERO OUT the branches of the Forest Service and BLM that manage timber sales and oil & gas drilling leases until Shrubya shows a willingness to support sustainable energies in the US with similar vigor as the Iraqi conquest.
A few such ZERO-ing OUT of such budgets will get *ush's notice, without any of the negative consequences that cutting anything near the military would bring.
Thoughts & counter-arguments welcome, -app