he said was just window dressing. Weeks ago we learned that a "surge" of about 20,000 troops into Iraq was planned. The speech tonight was NOT to tell us what we already knew about that wrongheaded move on Bu$h's part.
I can barely stand to listen to the Chimp anymore, but I did tonight because I wanted to hear
exactly what he said.I knew it when he got to the parts about Iran and Syria that THIS was indeed the message he was there to deliver to all of us. He said it plain as day, and he'll be able afterward to reply to the cries of outrage when we attack Iran or Syria, "I TOLD you we were going to do this in my big speech!"
Here, YET AGAIN, are his own words, with my emphasis added because he failed to stress that this WAS his main message:
Succeeding in Iraq also requires defending its territorial integrity – and stabilizing the region in the face of the extremist challenge. This begins with addressing Iran and Syria.
Remember how much he talked in the earlier part of his speech about the
necessity of "
succeeding" in Iraq? Then he explained that succeeding in Iraq "requires" -- REQUIRES, mind you! -- "defending its territorial integrity."
And that "defense of Iraq's territorial integrity"
begins with addressing Iran and Syria."Doesn't that say it all? Isn't he clearly stating that the U.S. military WILL BE ATTACKING IRAN AND SYRIA in those statements?
He continues:
These two regimes are allowing terrorists and insurgents to use their territory to move in and out of Iraq. Iran is providing material support for attacks on American troops.
He is saying that Iran has ALREADY attacked American troops -- in Iraq! Of course he can then justify our attacking Iran, since they have already been attacking OUR TROOPS in Iraq! He is saying he IS GOING TO TAKE ACTION against Iran in his statements tonight.
We will disrupt the attacks on our forces. We will interrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria.
And here is possibly the most concrete and comprehensive announcement he made all night -- note the use of the word "networks" below:
And we will seek out and destroy the networks providing advanced weaponry and training to our enemies in Iraq.
Note too the sneakiness with which he presents the REAL REASON for the upcoming attacks on Iran and Syria:
We are also taking other steps to bolster the security of Iraq and protect American interests in the Middle East.
... snip ...
And then finally to end those two most important paragraphs, he says this:
And we will work with others to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons and dominating the region.
So for anyone who still thinks we weren't told outright by this maniacal pResident tonight in his "big speech" that the U.S. military will soon be attacking Iran and quite possibly Syria as well, I say -- what do you think these statements by the Chimp tonight MEAN, pray tell??
I believe he made it clear beyond any doubt what he plans to do next. And the poster who said we will wake up one morning to learn that Iran has been bombed is absolutely correct.
At that point all those who said "we don't have enough troops" or whatever to argue that the U.S. won't be attacking Iran will be saying, indeed spluttering, "But but but ... I didn't think he would really DO that!!!"
COUNT ON IT -- he just said tonight that he IS going to do it!