Edited on Wed Jan-10-07 10:27 PM by marmar
This is from "Have Your Say" on the BBC website. Everyone else gets it: Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 22:47 GMT 22:47 UK
Sending over more troops is another step too far; the other was in the first place starting this "WAR"!
jerry mc arder, Belfast & Drogheda
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Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 22:43 GMT 22:43 UK
Haven't the USA learned from Vietnam ? You CANNOT fight a counter-insurgency war by throwing logistics at it.
Rich Wintie, Bournemouth
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Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 22:22 GMT 22:22 UK
No! The presence of US forces in Iraq creates the violent opposition of the Iraqi people. The US should announce a withdrawal date and ask the UN to send in forces from neutral States, AND agree to pay all of the costs of that UN force. IRV
Irving Williams, Seattle, WA, United States
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Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 21:50 GMT 21:50 UK
Twenty thousand is the number.However in real terms it is 17,000 as already 3,000 have been lost as a result of this invasion.I can't see how it's going to get any better.Why do the American people accept it.
Ticky, UK
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Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 21:42 GMT 21:42 UK
More troops are unneccessary. The war is won. The current government of Iraq is not going to be overcome by the insurgents. The insurgents are supported by the Sunni Arabs. The Shia majority is represented by the government. The Sunni have no chance of winning. Their cause is hopeless. What Bush is really concerned about is somewhat mysterious.
Doug Forbes, Wheeling
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Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 21:42 GMT 21:42 UK
What Bush an Blair should do is bite the bullet and negotiate peace keeping forces to police Iraq. If Iran and Syria were part of the process, taking the daily risks and feeling what it is like to be at the dirty end of the stick in a segregated Iraq it may introduce some positive dialogue into this classic stand off situation. Get these countries to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Can you imagine the view of Syria once they start getting their own troops home in body bags?
david campbell, ayr
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Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 21:41 GMT 21:41 UK
only if they want them to come back in Bodybags! what is Bush thinking of?
crispin, london
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Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 21:39 GMT 21:39 UK
No more troops in Iraq. Bring the troops home. More troops just mean more meaningless deaths.
Will there be a blood bath after we leave, yes. It will happen if we leave tomorrow or 20 years from now.
Glen Clark, Paris
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Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 21:39 GMT 21:39 UK
It is just a pitty to see that more than 20,000 soldiers is going to fight a war based on lies - WMD! But the government knows how to manage it turning the soldiers in a hero. What those soldiers should know is they're just a number to president.
I'm sure he wouldn't send his son if he had one.
J Falcao, Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 21:39 GMT 21:39 UK
No. Is the simple answer.
What needs to be implemented is the Baker report. The problem is until George W Bush is forced to send his kids to Iraq, he does not give a stuff how many American kids die for an unwinable war waged on false principals.
That is why he is sending 20,000 troops to Iraq he cannot and will not admit Dick Cheney was wrong.
Greeted as liberators, idiocy to the extreme
Christopher Linthwaite, Beverley, United Kingdom
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Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 21:38 GMT 21:38 UK
Wonder what makes him think that another 20K troops is going to make anything better? It will probably make sense to get out of Iraq and send 20K vounteers to help build back the infracstructure in Iraq. Making living conditions better will help the Iraqi people. Just increasing troops will only increase violence and sectarian conflicts. I think this whole situation needs a completely different perspective. Its not about wining or losing, its the lives of millions of people we are talking about.
Anu Venu, United States
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