From my notes as he is being interviewed by Anderson Cooper -now- regarding Shrub's new Iraq plan:
...same old stratigy...needlessly gets soldiers killed...I do not support escalation...Bush is trying a hail mary pass which he's tried before...20,000 troops will not make a difference, we would need more like 200,000 and turn the whole city into a green zone...our presence there is counterproductive!
So I don't do short hand, but you get the idea.
Putting any other disagreements I may have with Senator Smith from Oregon (and there are many) aside, I greatly commend him speaking out as a Republican against Shrub's arrogance and foolish plan to further this insane Iraq quagmire. It will take other rethugs with equal courage to stand up against this madness to stop Shrub in his tracks.
I admit, it's easy to rail on the rethugs and I do it in my sleep; but I will give Gordon Smith lots of kudo's for having the guts to take a stand against the tide of his party. He is far more a DEM on this then newly anointed rethug Lieberman - - and I will happily give credit and respect to any other Republican that see's the light and the truth.
And coming from this life long dedicated DEM Mr. Smith, tonight you earned my respect.
Thank You.