of America; our national fucking survival is at stake. So says Our Great Leader. If we lose in Iraq ("if"--I know, I know), we are screwed six ways 'til Tuesday, the terrorists get the oil, the sectarian fight spreads, gas will cost $97 bucks a freaking quart, the earth will crack open and swallow Nancy Pelosi and you and me down into the flaming pits of hell, etc. Okay. Got it. So why the fuck are we sending 21,500 guys? 21,500? The fucking army says they've got less than half that number of combat troops ready to go--they've got around 9,000 trigger-pullers trained and equipped. Nine fucking thousand--that's it. That means the other 12,500 are going to be reservists--non-combat-ready diesel mechanics, data entry clerks, dishwashers and trombone players--who are going to get shipped to Bag fucking Dad to ride around in Humvees, break down doors and get their asses blown off, three or four at a time. If this is the existential battle Bush claims it is, why isn't there a draft? Why aren't we buying war bonds and rationing gas? Why is there no sense of national urgency coming from the pinheads in charge? Why aren't Jenna and Babs lining up to enlist, for fuck's sake? Why? Because it's really about the oil, that's why. It was from day one, and it still is, and it's got nothing to do with terrorism or any of the rest of the bullshit rationales they've tossed out over the past three years for the dumbass media to gnaw on. It's all about the oil--220 billion barrels, maybe, of black gold, Texas tea, enough to fuel every SUV in the US of A for thirty years or so, enough to lubricate the wet-dreams of the CEOs of Exxon-Mobil, Gulf and BP from now 'til judgment day.
But here's the REALLY fucking crazy part--we don't even need it. All that Iraqi oil? It was off the market, essentially, all through the 90s, when oil was selling below $10 a barrel. Saudi Oil may have peaked, but there's no indication of any decline in production, and no reason to think that once it starts it'll be steep. Then there's Venezuelan oil and Canadian oil, which combined make up the lion's share of our oil imports--from right here in the good old Western hemisphere, of all places. And hey, if Al Gore gets elected in '08, we'll be off the oil tit in ten years, anyway--and good riddance to all that CO2. No, they want it (and they want it BAD) just because it's THERE, and somebody's going to get it, so it damn well better be US, even if some of "us" have to die for the getting of it.
But of course they can't ever, ever say that. No they can't. They have to try to sell us this bullshit war with a lot pf platitudes and fear-mongering and the language of apocalypse. Because if they told the truth, nobody would sign up to go. Nobody. Would. Go. Because going would make you nothing more than a paid killer for Exxon-Mobil, if you knew the truth. So they're not ever going to come right out and say it's about the oil, because they can't. But it's obvious at this point that they don't believe their own bullshit, either. Nobody does--least of all the cynical radio blowhards and their fluffy-haired TV infotainoganda cohort--nobody except that delusional 12% who think sending a bunch of dishwashers and trombone players to get their asses blown off is a cracklin' good idea.
As for the rest of us, we can sit back and wait 'till 2008, or we can push and push and push our congress-critters and MAKE THEM TELL THE TRUTH about what this war is, and what Bush is doing, and in so doing make the media tell the truth, and in so doing ultimately force Bush and Cheney and Condi and the rest of the soulless ghouls who've taken over our executive branch to slink back to the pig farm or their massive compound in Paraguay wreathed in the humiliation and disgrace they deserve, reviled by everyone with more than a half-dozen functioning neurons. Don't wait. Don't be passive. Push for the truth.
Thank you, and good night--