Edited on Thu Jan-11-07 04:46 AM by GreenTea
BushCo is making far too much fucking money to just stop the war...Another 100 billion more dollars, of our tax dollars in their pockets. There is NO accountability of where the money goes in Iraq. Once that 100 billion is approved by congress it’s for a full year, and next year, Bush will have us so deep in a war with Iran that we will be forced again to send our tax dollars to continue funding his wars for profits.
BushCo's illegal invasion of Iraq, a sovereign nation that never threatened us...but does have lots of oil for the taking. Not to mention the billions of our free tax dollars going to corporations, weapons makers and contractors...Along with the billions of dollars of Iraq's un-metered oil for BushCo & the oil companies to easily steal.
So young, poor kids die in Bush’s war for profits, no big deal...this kind of imperialism has gone on throughout the world for centuries. BushCo knows very well it's easy to sucker the poor into his phony war with patriotism as the cry, the reason for them to go fight and die - in reality, it's for the rich, to make them RICHER!
The republican sheep have their heads up their asses, listening to the media far too much, & too long they are told to believe there are other more “complicated” reasons for Bush’s wars...But, it's really just about stealing more money, plain & simple!
Bush wants to stay in Iraq because Bush has two more years of stealing to do. The troop escalation is just another in a series of tactics to keep the wars for profit prolonged, while permanent bases are being built in Iraq to strike Iran, Syria and anyone else they choose to keep the wars for profits continuing.
Next will absolutely be to engage Iran in a war, anyway they can, to force more war for profit, just as we will be forced to send more of our tax dollars to finance the war that bombing of Iran will create!
"Win" in Iraq? Win what? Win more corporate contracts using our tax dollars, win more time to steal more unregulated Iraqi oil...free money no questions asked…
If the Democrats don't support Bush's escalation Bush & the republicans undoubtedly will point the finger at the Dem's and say see, "the DEMOCRATS lost the war in Iraq" by not allowing more troops with more troops we could have won…They want the Democrats to take the blame.
It seems many have forgotten that Bush flat out told us a few month's ago that the war in Iraq will go on past his presidency...(and we know he will see to that)...Far too much money is still to be made....Cheney even went so far as to tell all of us, "we'll always be in never ending wars" (for profit)...War means big bucks, huge bucks for BushCo and the corporations...Eisenhower warned us about these war profiteers, Kennedy did as well.
It's ALL about the M-O-N-E-Y!!
And as long as we are at war, it gives the criminal Bush his sick rationality to break ALL laws as he has...Shit, even some moderates believe, well, we are at war and the president might have more powers than we may be aware of...BULLSHIT.
Bush started this war of his for profit...Are we now going to just let him break laws, steal our tax dollars, steal Iraqi oil, start a new war with Iran so he can hide behind his phony wars with the excuse he's a "war time" president and he could do as he pleases, "war time" that Bush created based on lies, plainly for profit?
We must impeach Bush before he escalates us into wars of no return.