their war profiteering corporate news monopolies. He's a real Christian, not a dirty rotten hypocrite murdering thieving rightwing 'christian' liar shilling for ungodly oil barons and fatcat sultans who claims the title of "president" in the U.S. It's amusing (if it weren't so sick) how they label him a "dictator" and a "communist" (in the same breath), when he keeps getting reelected by the Venezuelan people, mostly recently by 63% of the vote, in the most highly monitored elections on earth--where they handcount 55%(!) of the paper ballot backup cuz they don't trust the electronic voting machines (know how much WE handcount?*)--and never tell the American people what his government is actually doing, and why it is so popular, and what is happening not just in Venezuela but throughout South America--democracy! The genuine article! Transparent elections. Will of the people. Fairness. Justice. Self-determination. Constitutional government. Rule of law. Empowerment and inclusion of the poor. Awesome grass roots participation. Peaceful, democratic, leftist (majorityist) revolution--in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and soon Peru and Paraguay. The Bushites and global corporate predators who have been looting and destroying these economies, after decades of mass slaughter, torture and oppression, are now on the outs in Latin America. Decades of work on transparent elections and democratic institutions are paying off in REAL governments, of, by and for the people--unlike our own sick fascist thieves and murderers who are ripping up our Constitution. We are the "banana republic" now.
And they dare call Chavez "authoritarian." Well, our corporate news monopolies are nothing if not audacious in their lies. Try www.venezuelanalysis.com for an antidote to the corporate propaganda.
The South Americans are teaching us the way out of our disaster--transparent elections. Pay attention, class.
*(O% to 1%, depending on the stranglehold that Bushite corporations, Diebold and ES&S, have on local election officials and legislators.)
:mad: :nuke: :mad: :argh: :banghead: :wow: :wow: :wow: :banghead: :argh: :mad: :nuke: :mad: