Is the nightmare over yet? Can I wake up now? Don't tell me that the Supreme Court actually appointed this barely literate, inarticulate clown to represent me and my country to the rest of the world.
Oh, wait. They did.
And what did he do?
Ignored repeated warnings of imminent attacks by what was then a fringe terrorist group, then, in response, went totally batshit.
He insulted Iran, which gave the hardliners the necessary motivation to take control of the government and shove the moderates aside. And, in the same moment, he insulted N. Korea, which now has gone nuclear.
And then he sent our troops to invade Iraq, ostensibly to eliminate WMDs that didn't even exist.
Did he or did he not declare "holy war" on the terrorists? Does this strike anyone but a total fucking screwball as a really goddam stupid thing to say? On the level of his whole "Axis of Evil" comment?
Rather than finishing the job in Afghanistan, this nitwit, this ninny, this calcified lump of alcoholic stupor started a whole 'nother war we had NO actual hope of winning. All at the behest of the obviously evil and malicious Dick Cheney and a whole host of would-be war profiteers chomping at the bit to get their slimy little paws on all that Middle Eastern oil.
OF COURSE this war is a disaster, and OF COURSE it's his responsibility. He's the fucking jackass who did his damnedest to convince the American People that it was not only a good idea, but an absolute necessity.
Back before the 2004 elections, there were a lot of morans calling John Kerry "sKerry," for some stupid reason, as if he could, in any way, shape, or form, be even a fraction as bad as this absolute boob we've got as a Commander in Chief sitting there right now. What this asshole doesn't know about military strategy, tactics, and diplomacy could fill a hall the size of the legendary library of Alexandria.
And what's worse? He gets his advice from a bunch of other people who have about as much actual knowledge about any of these things as he does.
Christ on a stick, people! What in the hell did these folks expect? That he'd be competent? Sometimes it's hard to believe that the whole Republican Party didn't abandon ship from the very beginning, but it's pretty obvious now that they were somehow hypnotized by the notion that this man could achieve the impossible, that he'd been somehow appointed by the Great Pumpkin to lead them all in a war against an ideology they can't even begin to understand.
I can't figure out if they're stupid, deranged, or just plain evil. Or, even scarier, some combination of all three.
We should be able to impeach the Supreme Court for saddling us with this nitwit and his vile, vicious, and terminally incompetent cronies. The whole lot of them should be crammed in tiny little boxes and shipped to Iraq as replacement troops. Put a gun in Cheney's hand and give him a chance to shoot something OTHER than defenseless, farm-raised birds and lawyers stupid enough to get in the way and then apologize for being shot.
As far as Dubya? He should be retired directly into an institution, where he can spend the rest of his days finger-painting and thinking he's whatever former President he's trying to identify with THIS week.
Someday, when all of this is behind us, they're going to make a movie, entitled "The Man Who Should NEVER be King."
Or something to that effect.
If there's an important decision to be made, let George make it. And then let's all do the exact fucking opposite. Experience has taught us that acting contrary to whatever Dubya and his minions want can only work out for the better. Going along with their plans sure as hell hasn't been very successful, now has it?
And for all you freeper trolls reading this and foaming at the mouth? Don't you HATE it that we were right all along? This war was a damn stupid idea and YOU cheered for it the whole time because you were too goddam prideful and arrogant to realize that you were being a bunch of lickspittle dogs to people who couldn't care less about you once they had your vote.
Your President is a waste of flesh. And he should NEVER have become President.
But WE already knew that.
Too bad it took so long for the rest of you to figure that out.
Next Presidential election, you're going to try to foist another screwball on us...but this time you're going to find out that America is pretty much screwballed out. We're going to elect someone with more sense than the average wiffle ball. And you're going to learn to live with it. Live with it? No, you're going to learn to appreciate it.
Because you people have just shown us that you're TERRIBLE at picking leaders. They're either corrupt, incompetent, or so deviant they make the Marquis De Sade look like Mr. Rogers.
Get a clue, for God's sake. We'll even loan you the money to buy one, if necessary. The more someone yells how moral he is, the less moral he's likely to be.
Haven't you figured that out yet?
Isn't it about time you did?