Impeachment by Rusty1776
Thu Jan 11, 2007 at 12:29:30 AM PST
Progressives believe in moral leadership. Moral leadership inspired the patriots who took a stand against tyranny on Bunker Hill and Concord Bridge and Lexington Green. The moral leadership of our Founding Fathers forged democracy in America and endures in every line of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The moral leadership of Abraham Lincoln sustained Americans through the fire and fury of a fratricidal Civil War. The moral leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt guided Americans through the dark years of the Great Depression and the Second World War.
American democracy was built upon the firm foundation of moral leadership. But that foundation is crumbling under the weight of this criminal president’s pervasive lawlessness and deceit. That foundation will collapse, and America’s future will collapse along with it if moral leadership in Washington is not restored by the House of Representatives and the Senate through the investigation, Impeachment and conviction of this lunatic who calls himself The Decider.
We need moral leadership now more than ever before. In the days to come, we expect moral leadership from Democrats. They were given the 110th Congress to get our weary soldiers out of Iraq and to hold Bush accountable for his abuses of power and endless deceit. Taking Impeachment off the table is not moral leadership, it is moral cowardice. Offering non-binding resolutions against escalation is not moral strength, it is moral weakness. Criticizing this criminal president in press statements is useless, passing laws he will ignore is futile, removing him from office is the only option left to us.
Moral leadership is based upon seeking the truth, telling the truth, and acting upon the truth. This president is a criminal. That truth has been proven, that truth must be told, and that truth must be acted upon. If this president’s crimes go unpunished our Constitution will be rendered meaningless and our laws will become empty words, to be ignored by any powerful politician who chooses to violate them.
The articles in our Constitution and amendments in our Bill of Rights are not suggestions that can be accepted or rejected by that delusional son of a bitch in the White House. They were written and debated and ratified by the finest political minds in America over the span of two centuries, and are not subject to his whims.