...do the Iraqis not secure their own country? Why do they disband, or do not show up to fight, in such large numbers?
I think there is at least a two part answer to this.
1. There is really no such thing as a homogeneous, "Iraqi people". Let me explain. Since the toppling of Saddam and the USA's failure to provide security from the outset. The "Iraqi people", as Bush calls them, have broken down into sectarian groups for a sense of security, protection, and basic survival. Their loyalties now are tied even more strongly to the Sunni, Shi'a, or Kurds. Sunni being Saudi Arabia backed and Sh'ia being Iran backed. Shi'ia being the currently installed government and the vast majority in Iraq.
2. They know we will leave someday. They know we will have to probably sooner than later. There is a "fear of association" factor that I do not hear much about. When Saigon fell, and we were leaving, there were thousands of southern Vietnamese who were clamoring to GET THE HELL OUT! This was due to the fact that they were "involved" with the USA. They had their names on paperwork. Their neighbors knew. They were essentially going to be dead meat, for treason, after we left. So it is in Iraq.
Where are these discussions in our USA media?