When I watched the speech on the net last night, this one quote leaped out at me, illuminated in blazing red neon. The room seemed to stagger and bells began to ring. Of all the obscenely portentous things * said in that apologia of blood-lust, this was the one that froze my heart. More than his jabs at Iran, more than his desperate wish-upon-a-star that al-Maliki's cavalry would ride alongside the American legions, more than his brazen rejection of any notion of representing the will of his citizens.
This one quote strikes the Doomsday bell. Doom for Iraqi civilians under the now-indiscriminate guns and bombs of the occupation forces and their own army. Doom for the hapless soldiers, American and Iraqi, who will be fed into the maw of the sectarian wood chipper in a dozen Little Big Horn neighborhoods. Doom for the final shreds of the reputation of America in all corners of the Earth. Doom for the self respect of American citizens who know their nation is capable of better than this. Doom for the future of Iraq, now destined to descend to an even lower circle of Hell.
The only good thing about that evil, stomach-churning quote is it also spells doom for the tattered hopes of legacy nurtured by the ghastly shade that now inhabits the Oval Office, and likewise doom for any hopes the Republican party has of recovering from their equally ghastly support of that subhuman creature and his inhuman plan.