Rice, Gates head to opposition-controlled Congress for Iraq grilling
http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070111/pl_afp/usiraqbushcongress_070111124557WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates are expected on Capitol Hill to face tough questions on
President George W. Bush's plan to send more troops to
The two officials, who will testify one day after Bush announced new war plans for Iraq that include sending 21,500 more soldiers, can expect a grilling from opposition Democrats who now control both chambers of Congress.
One exception was likely presidential candidate
US Senator John McCain (news, bio, voting record), who stressed his support for the president's plan, saying it was the only hope of achieving a victory.
"I'd much rather lose a campaign than lose a war," he said on US television after the speech.
I suspect Johnny boy's headed for a twofer.