and came away with the feeling he has no idea what to do if anything can be done to salvage any semblance of what is right concerning his failed policy of shooting first and not asking questions later. His mad rush to do the unthinkable will be in the end what brings him down. Please mr. bush* just go away and take ole buddy dick with you, hell, while you're at it take the whole WHIG with you. Nothing more we need any of them for now, they're all washed up and ready to hang out to dry
Since I quite the bottle close to a year and a half ago last night was the hardest test I have had. I kept the last bottle I drank on and it is under the sink in the kitchen. I looked this morning just to make sure and sure enough there it was way in the back where it will stay or at least I hope it does. It gives me strength to know it is only a few steps away. This morning I am proud of me.