Dear Senator xxxxxxxxx,
Having listened to President Bush's speech on escalating the troop levels in Iraq and his intent to expand armed conflict across the Middle East, I demand that the US Congress act to reduce funding for all military operations within foreign countries.
This man failed to plan and execute a successful offensive against those who attacked the US on Sept. 11, 2001. Over five years later, those responsible are still at large. That equals a failure of leadership and a betrayal of the US.
Instead, George Bush, pushed for a 'war' with Iraq, a country which was no threat to the USA. His arguments were based on proven lies and his stated reasons seemed to omit the real one: giving control of Iraq's oil reserves to private corporations. For the last four years the situation in Iraq has grown steadily worse, both in deaths and financial cost. That equals a failure of leadership and a betrayal of the US.
It is time to end our involvement in Iraq. BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW. It is time to begin impeachment proceedings against both the President and Vice President for violation of international and US laws. Both should be tried as war criminals in the Hague. IMPEACHMENT is on the table. All NeoCon advisors to this administration should also be held responsible for the deaths of 3018 American soldiers and 655,000 Iraqis.
American citizens have had enough. It is time to end the reign of terror brought to us by NeoCon 'thinkers' and the military-industrial complex. We want our country back.
Sincerely, sinkingfeeling