Hannity and the rest of the FOX News staff at Hannity & Colmes are either the world’s most ill-informed members of the press or the world’s most untruthful. After President Bush’s speech last night, Hannity announced, “We’re gonna count the time since the president’s speech and we’ll wait for a Democratic alternative… Our clock is officially ticking on the new Democratic leadership and their rhetoric. It’s time to put up.” He grinned smugly as a “ticking” clock appeared in a box with the words “Where’s their plan?” Actually, their plan is right on their websites, easy to find had anyone bothered to look. Updated with video.
That was just the beginning of an unbalanced line-up of guests that stacked up as four Republicans (Rudy Giuliani, Oliver North, Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich) to one Democrat (Tom Vilsack) discussing the speech.
Hannity’s full introduction to the first segment on the speech, with Rudy Giuliani, was as follows: "Now the left-wing media spent most of the day counting the hours to which they called the most important speech in the president’s career. So tonight, we’re gonna count the time since the president’s speech and we’ll wait for a Democratic alternative. The San Francisco Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid think that they know so much, so where is their plan? Our clock is officially ticking on the new Democratic leadership and their rhetoric. It’s time to put up." You could hear Giuliani chuckling in the background.
In fact, a December 6, 2006 press release on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s website states the following: “Months ago, House and Senate Democratic leaders suggested to the President that he implement one of the Study Group’s chief recommendations – to change the primary mission of U.S. troops in Iraq from combat to training and support, which would enable the redeployment of U.S. forces to begin. Now that the Study Group has endorsed this proposal, I hope that the President will recognize that he must take our policy in Iraq in a new direction.”