The NeoCons and their allies are absolutely desperate to bomb Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities, but international politics require that Iran make the first move.
So they’ve tried, Lord knows they’ve tried, to provoke Iran into a pretext. So far they:
Added Iran to the Axis of Evil… Sent surreptitious scouting parties in… Reneged on promises to withdraw support of the MeK guerillas… Censored proponents of real negotiations… Leaked stories of US Plans to nuke the facilities… Leaked stories of Israeli Plans to nuke the facilities… Sent multiple aircraft carrier groups to the region… And today, they raided the Iranian consulate in Iraq’s Kurdish region.
And Iran just sits there walleyed.
So, let’s help them out! What provocations are they missing? Here’s a few off the top of my head:
1.) Phone in the prank delivery of a dozen pork sausage pizzas to the US Iranian Embassy 2.) Light a paperbag full of doggie poo on the steps of the Iranian UN offices 3.) Glue Iranian postal-paid return cards to bricks and mail them
I sure the creative lights here at DU will come to their aid at this time of crisis. It’s the least we can do…