I rarely change my mind. I am rarely talked out of a position I hold and I'm highly opinionated. ...and I have been one of the ones arguing against impeachment. I am not politically savvy enough on the workings of the government to know exactly what is required to impeach someone. What I do know is what it does to the country when we have these kinds of ideological battles. I remember Watergate first-hand and of course I remember Clinton's impeachment. It becomes All. It is All anyone talks about. It is All that is on the news. It is All that is in the papers. It is All they talk about in Washington. When I was in my teens and twenties I was homeless. I have always been poor. I now have a home, thanks to my girlfriend...of 15 years...but am still unemployed, uninsured and unable to get any health care, including medication for my bipolar disorder. Issues of Poverty are MY issues. I know for a fact that if you asked 100 homeless people if they want Bush impeached, at least 99 of them would say that what they want is a sandwich, some beer and a new tinfoil hat. I know for a fact if you asked 100 single, poverty-stricken pregnant women if they want Bush impeached, at least 99 of them would say that what they want is prenatal care for their baby and a sandwich and some beer. (Everyone wants a sandwich and some beer...showing they also need a little prenatal education as you aren't supposed to feed beer to The Unborn.) If you asked a man who just got laid off and who has three kids and a pregnant wife and a broken Chevy and a mother-in-law he supports and who isn't "quite right" and so she wanders off sometimes but he can't afford to put her in a "home"...if he wants Bush impeached...he would probably just start crying. Usually the only way ideological battles touch the lives of THESE PEOPLE, is by pushing their own LIFE AND DEATH struggles to the back of the line...way back...buried and forgotten. ...and all The Leftist Talking Heads...sitting around...brainstorming...about THE High and Mighty Principles and The Constitution and Noble Ideals...and Impeachment...waaaaaay into the night...loving hating Bushy the Chimp. Solidarity. ...designer beer or a nice Merlot, smoke something...if you care to...put on the music, gaze fondly at posters of Che and Clinton...with his crotch in everyone's face...a mellow Brie and a Nice Baguette...or some wafer crackers with cracked pepper...some sun-dried tomato Hummus....all from Whole Foods Market...(...but still...after all these fucking years man...no grapes...damn it..)...and Whoohoohoo...a frothing at the mouth High Liberal Time. ...and still...it hasn't put food in any bellies but their own.. ...because Wealthy Highly Educated Liberals walk past the Homeless, the Almost Homeless, The Walking Wounded, without even seeing them...exactly the same way Wealthy Highly Educated Conservatives do. Exactly. The Real Problems of These Real People are just as invisible to the Democrats In Office as they are to the Republicans In Office. As rarely as I change my opinion I am also rarely naive. ...but I was. After the mid-term elections I got my hopes up. I was elated after the elections. I thought something changed. The minimum wage went up. It's not exactly Caesar's Farm Workers but it's something. ...and I also thought....I mean he's looked really dejected lately....Bush would just fade away and in two years we would EASILY elect a Democratic President. As a poor, mentally ill, lesbian leftist I do, at least, feel safer when we have a Democrat for POTUS. ...and then everyone started doing the Impeach Dance...yet again and I felt buried alive. ...and sad. ...and angry. ...and I wanted no part of it. I am so so so so so tired...of the issues of The Poor...The Homeless...The Marginal...The Walking Wounded...being shoved to the bottom....The Last on The List. ...buried, tamped down, some decorative gravel thrown on top...COMPLETELY FUCKING FORGOTTEN....AGAIN...so all the Brains could spar and debate and Play the Game. After last night, I cannot, with good conscience, continue to hold that position. Bush really is a vindictive, belligerent, son-of-a-bitch. I hate that toady little man with a fiery passion. He really really doesn't care what the majority of us want. ...and he's still getting stroked in all the right places by all the right people. ...all those soldiers being sent off to kill and die for an Unrighteous Cause on the spiteful whim of a megalomaniac. He KNOWS we want them home. Impeach him now. ...but please...try not to forget about us. ...because we are in the millions and millions and millions and our numbers are growing and eventually...society is either going to have to shoot us or help us. I signed the "Impeach" Petition. Thank-yeeeeew, ya'll... Madspirit *a Real Texan Unlike Bushy the Chimp*