Death follows John Negroponte. Everywhere he steps foot.
Intel chief: Hezbollah may be next U.S. threat
Al-Qaida still worst, but other group may be increasing plans against U.S.Brought to you by our friends at GE, one of the world's largest suppliers of war, mayhem, and propaganda.<snip>
WASHINGTON - Al-Qaida poses the
gravest terrorist threat to the United States, and an emboldened Hezbollah is a growing danger, the U.S. intelligence chief said Thursday.
In his annual review of global threats, National Intelligence Director John Negroponte highlighted an increasingly worrisome assessment of Hezbollah — backed by Iran and Syria — since its 34-day war with Israel last year.
“As a result of last summer’s hostilities, Hezbollah’s self-confidence and hostility toward the United States as a supporter of Israel could cause the group to increase its contingency planning against United States interests,” Negroponte told the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Story continues below at link ↓ is disturbing. Very disturbing.
Negroponte here is openly advocating a widening war. This sheds new light on his so-called demotion to deputy Secretary of State.