Ann Coulter’s Growing Legal Troubles
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Posted on Jan 11, 2007
The voter registration form that kicked off Ann Coulter’s legal woes
You may recall that right wing delinquent Ann Coulter was accused of voter fraud not too long ago, for registering to vote using her realtor’s address. Now it turns out she may have used the same address to register a drivers’ license—meaning Coulter could be charged with two third-degree felonies and one misdemeanor, if only someone would prosecute the case.
We gave her a few months off while we covered more pressing items to our nation, but it looks like the troubles are still far from over for right-wing demagogue/hate-monger turned felonious vote fraudster Ann Coulter.
Palm-Beach Post’s Jose Lambiet, who originally broke the story a year or so ago, has another scoop today on the matter and The BRAD BLOG has now been able to obtain the documents on which his scoop is based.
Lambiet’s item today covers PB County Supervisor of Elections, Arthur Anderson’s difficulty in finding a local law enforcement agency with the stones --- or at least, the jurisdiction --- to take on the hypocritical pundit even though a police report completed in late November, requested by Anderson, indicates that Coulter could be facing two third degree felony charges, along with one first degree misdemeanor if charged.
Newly added to the previously known allegations of Voter Fraud when Coulter used her realtor’s address instead of her own on her Voter Registration Application, is the allegation by the Palm Beach Police Department that Coulter seems also to have given that same, incorrect address when applying for a drivers license after moving to the tony Sunshine State ‘hood where her fellow GOP propagandist, Rush Limbaugh, has recently had his own troubles following the rule of law.