Choosing Victory: A Plan for Success in Iraq
Frederick Kagan (PNAC nutcase)
American Enterprise Institute
Victory in Iraq is still possible at an acceptable level of effort. We must adopt a new approach to the war and implement it quickly and decisively.
We must act now to restore security and stability to Baghdad. We and the enemy have identified it as the decisive point.
There is a way to do this.
* We must balance our focus on training Iraqi soldiers with a determined effort to secure the Iraqi population and contain the rising violence. Securing the population has never been the primary mission of the U.S. military effort in Iraq, and now it must become the first priority.
* We must send more American combat forces into Iraq and especially into Baghdad to support this operation. A surge of seven Army brigades and Marine regiments to support clear-and-hold operations that begin in the spring of 2007 is necessary, possible, and will be sufficient to improve security and set conditions for economic development, political development, reconciliation, and the development of Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) to provide permanent security.
American forces, partnered with Iraqi units, will clear high-violence Sunni and mixed Sunni-Shia neighborhoods, primarily on the west side of the city. * After those neighborhoods are cleared, U.S. soldiers and Marines, again partnered with Iraqis, will remain behind to maintain security, reconstitute police forces, and integrate police and Iraqi Army efforts to maintain the population’s security.
* As security is established, reconstruction aid will help to reestablish normal life, bolster employment, and, working through Iraqi officials, strengthen Iraqi local government.
* Securing the population strengthens the ability of Iraq’s central government to exercise its sovereign powers.'s clear this is the plan Bush has decided to follow; and operations will target Sunni 'insurgent' neighborhoods. They won't take on Al Sadr's people; in fact, I expect they'll make a deal and tell them if they hold their fire, we'll take care of the Sunnis for them. Amounts to nothing more than mass killing; I'd even call it ethnic cleansing.
The result will be a temporary drop in violence; but by then I fully expect Bush will have widened the conflict to include Iran. It is, after all, PNAC's desire to destabalize that entire region, and Bush will continue to do their bidding (although for his own selfish reasons).